Wednesday, November 25, 2009

South India

Although the majority of tourism is in the north of India, we arrived in Madras, the renamed Chennai, to discover some of the differences inside the same country. Clothes, food, religion, architecture, temples even transit have small changes in the hottest part of India.

In early morning we went to the biggest Hidu temple in the city, Kapaleeswara temple dedicated to Shiva. It is a colorful place, where lots of people pray for having children.

As one of the 3 ports of East India Company, the British had the impressive St George Fort as the main structure in the city, near the Marina Beach, second longest beach in the world after Copacabana.

In the afternoon we drove 40km to Kanchipuram the thousand temple city, to visit Ekambaswara temple, one of the biggest in the country and dedicated to Shiva.

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