Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sacred Varanasi

“Older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together” Mark Twain

The sacred city founded by Shiva, and one of the oldest cities in the world, where millions of pilgrims go to the Ganges river every year to wash their sins, could be the easiest way to begin to understand India and Hinduism. With a lack of importance for money, material goods, hygiene and space, it’s a shock t to western values and knowledge.

For Hindus is great luck to die in Varanasi, as they’ll be burnt in the public crematories and their ashes will be thrown into the river, gaining direct track to heaven.

In the morning we went very early to see the sacred bath during the sunrise in the river Ganges, one of the main attractions in the country.

After that we went to the old city and main Hindu and Buddhist temples.
In the late afternoon went back to the river to see the crematories at night and the sunset ceremonies.

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