Monday, October 26, 2009

Travel light

I don’t know if I’m forgetting a lot of things, but my suitcase for more than two months is the same I use for a two day trip. I’m following to the letter the travel light advice, not only for things, but for expectations too.
Although I will see for the first time a lot of things I haven’t seen or known about, I have two simple purposes in this trip.
The first one is to open my mind, and this will be achieved by the first part of the trip. Egypt, Dubai, India and Nepal will show me new things everywhere: habits, food, languages, places, sounds, smells, sights, culture, valuables, faith. Many things that were standard for me and my “common sense” will be open to revise.
The second goal is learn to meditate and being able to control my mind. Perhaps the most difficult challenge I’ve ever faced, this is the reason to land in Thailand. A whole month of spiritual retreat, with out talking, exercising, reading or listening to music. I’ll just be able to meditate, sleep, eat and go to the bathroom, 31 days of me and myself.
Even though these goals look pretty demanding, I’ll be satisfied with whatever result comes out in the end, because I’m completely sure, on January 8th I’ll be happier and a better person.

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