Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cairo, beautiful chaos

Huge, hot, chaotic, noisy and smelly, Cairo is a beautiful city in it’s context. In my first day in Cairo, trying to fight unsuccessfully against jet lag and local bugs in food, I went very early to the main attraction first. After more than an hour stuck in traffic from Cairo to Giza, I finally reached one of the seven ancient wonders: the great pyramid of Cheops.

Aside of it, the Chephren and Mycerinus pyramids and the sphinx... I have no words to describe the sensation of looking and touching those huge monuments to technology, effort, ego and power. With thousands of years old, there are some hypothesis that still in debate about their construction and amazing mathematical and astronomical facts. Just to spend the morning in the Giza plateau and it’s energy is worth the trip. After some time in papyrus and essences museums I went to have a typical Egyptian lunch, and then arrived to the huge and beautiful Khan al-Khalili market built in the 14th century. Just marvelous; you can find anything to negotiate and feels real Egyptian as it’s filled with locals in daily routines. Last but not least, the Egyptian museum in the city’s center, where you can see the only recovered tomb from one of the least important pharaohs, Tutankhamun. The sad story is that as Egypt began to value monuments too late, just in the end of the XIX century, the most important pieces were stolen from other countries and are currently exhibited in museums in Europe and America.

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