Thursday, October 29, 2009

Outside Cairo

I went today to Dahshu, Memphis and Saqqara. Cities outside Cairo, were poverty is common, but here was built the first pyramid in the world. In these cities there are more than 20 pyramids and a long time ago were many more, but the first one was build for Sneferu, father of Cheops. He was so powerful that was the only pharaoh to build 3 pyramids: two mistakes and his final tomb.

The second mistake that I visited, is the curved pyramid: they began to build it, and after some time they realized it was not going to resist all the weight, so they changed the angle a little bit. Sneferu didn´t like the result and asked for another one, and as the result, the red pyramid was created. The first one.

I was able to go into the funerary chamber inside the pyramid. Very scary experience. You have to go down a lot by a narrow tunnel, with not much air, or light, but is well worth it.
I saw a lot of monuments created by Ramses II, one of the lastest and most powerful pharaohs.

I saw too, one of the first tombs that was build like a set of blocks each over the other, not a pyramid, but Sneferu got the idea from this one. Was build but one of the greatest minds in ancient Egypt, a guy that was an architect, physician, and like 7 professions more. Was the first to use stones to build.

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